
RLID: RLID00037091
RNA Symbol: U49
RNA Category: snoRNA
Organism: Zea mays
Subcellular Localization:
Localization Tissue Validated Method PMID
Nucleolus Seed In situ hybridization 9664033
Description: Fig. 2. Confocal images of maize root sections labelled with an antibody to fibrillarin (green) and by fluorescence in situ hybridization to each of the four novel snoRNAs (red). In each case the right hand panel shows the superimposition of the two labels. (A) U49 (box C/D) shows a similar pattern to fibrillarin, although the nucleolar cavity region is often labelled by the snoRNA probe (arrow). The coiled bodies are clearly labelled by anti-fibrillarin, but very weakly labelled by the snoRNA probe (arrowhead). (B) snoR1 (box C/D) shows a complementary labelling pattern to fibrillarin, and the nucleolar cavity is usually strongly labelled (arrow in red panel). The coiled bodies are not labelled by the snoRNA probe (arrowhead in green panel). (C) snoR2 (box H/ACA) labels a very similar region to fibrillarin, but the coiled bodies are not labelled (arrowhead in green panel). The nucleolar cavity is unlabelled by the snoRNA probe. (D) snoR3 (box C/D) shows a very similar labelling pattern to fibrillarin, but, again, the coiled bodies are unlabelled (arrowhead in green panel). Bar, 10um. Data are collected from Figure 2.