
RLID: RLID00033746
RNA Symbol: bta-miR-29a
RNA Category: miRNA
Organism: Bos taurus
Homology: aae-miR-285 (Aedes aegypti), hsa-miR-29a-3p (Homo sapiens)
Subcellular Localization:
Localization Tissue Validated Method PMID
Extracellular vesicle Luminal fluid Next-generation sequencing 24614226
Description: This analysis found 81 conserved mature miRNAs in the ULF extracellular vesicle small RNA sequences, with 53 in common between cyclic and pregnant samples and 1 unique annotated miRNA (bta-miR-423) in the day 14 pregnant samples (Fig. 5). his analysis found 81 conserved mature miRNAs in the ULF extracellular vesicle small RNA sequences, with 53 in common between cyclic and pregnant samples and 1 unique annotated miRNA (bta-miR-423) in the day 14 pregnant samples (Fig. 5). Data are collected from Figure 5.