The Detail Information for This Interaction

  • Detail
  • Binding
  • Network
RAID ID: RRI00000053
RNA/Protein Symbol 1:HULC
RNA/Protein Category 1: lncRNA
RNA/Protein Symbol 2: MIR372(miR-372)
RNA/Protein Category 2: miRNA
Validated Method:
PMID: 21256239 
Detail description:

Acts as a sponge/target mimic for miR-372 reducing its expression and activity. 

The Predicated Binding Sites between MIR372 and HULC
By miRanda Structure Match Score Energy Score MIR372 Location HULC Location
   Query:    3' ucuuaucACGAGGUGUAAACucc 5'
                       ||:  || |||||   
   Ref:      5' uucaaccUGUGGCAAAUUUGuac 3'
112.00 -6.05 4-17 338-360
   Query:    3' ucUUAUCACGAGGUGUAAACUCc 5'
                  | |  || |  | ||| ||| 
   Ref:      5' gaACUCAUGAUGGA-AUUGGAGc 3'
111.00 -5.88 2-22 10-31
   Query:    3' ucUUAUCACGAGGUGUAAACUcc 5'
                  :|| |||    |||||| |  
   Ref:      5' cuGAUCGUG---GACAUUUCAac 3'
101.00 -3.97 3-22 145-164
The Predicated Binding Sites between MIR372 and HULC
By RIsearch Structure MIR372 Location HULC Location Score
Query:    3' CCUCAAAUGUGG---------AGCACUAUUCU 5'
          |||||  :||||         ||| ||  |||
1-23 50-79 -11.89
The Predicated Binding Sites of HULC
Select the center nodes: First Node Second Node Both the Nodes
Select the Level of Neighbour: First Neighbour Second Neighbour

The 'First Node' or 'Second Node' option represents the sub-network of interacting RNA/Protein with the first or second interaction node, the 'Both the Nodes' option represents the sub-network of interacting RNA/Protein with both of interaction nodes.
The 'First Neighbour' represents the sub-network of direct interacting with the center node, the 'Second Neighbour' represents the sub-network of direct or second step interacting with the center node. Interaction sub-network based on the two nodes of this interaction may help the researchers represents all interacting partners immediately.

The Detail page: representing the detail information for RNA-RNA/RNA-Protein interaction;
The Binding page: representing the predicted binding sites and/or constants.
The Network page: representing the interaction sub-network of interacting RNA/Protein.