Keyword Search
      Exact match
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Score:  From To    (Select the interval of confidence score.)
  • For 'ncRNA Symbol', you can use Official Gene Symbol or miRBase ID.  (e.g. 'RAD21' or 'kshv-miR-k12-1-5p')
  • For 'ncRNA ID/miRBase Accession', you can use keyword such as '5885' or 'MIMAT0002182' etc.
  • For 'ncRNA Category', you can use keyword such as 'miRNA' or 'lncRNA' etc.
  • Select 'Exact match' if you want to exactly search the keyword, or we will search it in a fuzzy pattern
  • If you have trouble with search, you can check the following tips.
  • Use NCBI Gene / NCBI Taxonomy / miRBase to normalize your input information.

1. For ncRNA, check if you use the official symbol or ID. Alias are not supported in ViRBase due to its inexplicit usage.
2. Carefully select a category before you enter a keyword.
3. If you gained no result or too few results, you may use substring of the keyword.