Basic Information
RNALocate ID: RLID:11005205
RNA Symbol: hsa-miR-7704
Localization: Exosome
RNA Information
RNA Name: hsa-miR-7704
RNA ID: miRBase:MIMAT0030019
RNA Category: miRNA
Species: Homo sapiens
Localization Information
PubMed ID: 27278097
Tissue/Cell Line: Pooled sera
Method: miRNA array
Condition: Acute rejection (AR)|Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS)|Stable
Description: Exosomes were defined by flow cytometry for CD63 and western blotting for annexin V SAgs, collagen V (Col-V) and Kα1 tubulin were examined by electron microscopy; miRNAs were profiled by a miRNA array. The global miRNA analysis demonstrated 123 detectable miRNAs (i.e., at least 1 pool with positive detection signal) in sera exosomes. Of these, 15 miRNAs were higher and 108 miRNAs were lower in AR LTxRs compared to stable LTxRs (Table S1). In contrast, 44 miRNAs were higher and 79 miRNAs were lower in BOS LTxRs compared to stable LTxRs (Table S1).
Other Subcellular Localization
RNALocate ID Localization Tissue/Cell line PubMed ID
RLID:11005206 Microvesicle Colon cancer cell line (LIM1863) 25330373
RLID-D:11000258 Exosome Colon tissue|Lymphoma tissue
RLID-D:11001138 Microvesicle Colon cancer cell line (LIM1863)|Mesenchymal stem cells
ncRNA Disease Information
Resource RNA Symbol Disease Link
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Gastric cancer MNDR-E-MI-69406
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Alzheimer disease MNDR-E-MI-69407
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Parkinson disease MNDR-E-MI-69408
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Pancreatic cancer MNDR-E-MI-69409
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Colon adenocarcinoma MNDR-E-MI-69410
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Prostate adenocarcinoma MNDR-E-MI-69411
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Stomach adenocarcinoma MNDR-E-MI-69412
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Lung adenocarcinoma MNDR-E-MI-69413
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Biliary tract cancer MNDR-E-MI-69414
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Esophageal cancer MNDR-E-MI-69415
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Liver cirrhosis MNDR-E-MI-69416
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma MNDR-E-MI-69417
MNDR hsa-miR-7704 Hepatocellular carcinoma MNDR-E-MI-69418