Basic Information
RNALocate ID: RLID:11004572
RNA Symbol: ssc-miR-378
Localization: Exosome
RNA Information
RNA Name: ssc-miR-378
RNA ID: miRBase:MIMAT0013868
RNA Category: miRNA
Species: Sus scrofa
Localization Information
PubMed ID: 24499489
Tissue/Cell Line: Porcine milk
Method: Next-generation RNA sequencing
Description: In this study, exosomes of approximately 100 nm in diameter were isolated from porcine milk through serial centrifugation and ultracentrifugation procedures. Total RNA was extracted from exosomes, and 5S ribosomal RNA was found to be the major RNA component. Solexa sequencing showed a total of 491 miRNAs, including 176 known miRNAs and 315 novel mature miRNAs (representing 366 pre-miRNAs), which were distributed among 30 clusters and 35 families, and two predicted novel miRNAs were verified targeting 3'UTR of IGF-1R by luciferase assay. Interestingly, we observed that three miRNAs (ssc-let-7e, ssc-miR-27a, and ssc-miR-30a) could be generated from miRNA-offset RNAs (moRNAs). Data are collected from Additional file.
Other Subcellular Localization
RNALocate ID Localization Tissue/Cell line PubMed ID
RLID:11004573 Extracellular vesicle Mesenchymal stem cells 25158130
ncRNA Disease Information
Resource RNA Symbol Disease Link
MNDR ssc-miR-378 Japanese encephalitis MNDR-E-MI-85189
MNDR ssc-miR-378 Cytomegalovirus MNDR-E-MI-85190