Basic Information
RNALocate ID: RLID:11003950
RNA Symbol: hcmv-miR-US25-1-3p
Localization: Exosome
RNA Information
RNA Name: hcmv-miR-US25-1*
RNA ID: miRBase:MIMAT0004755
RNA Category: miRNA
Species: Human betaherpesvirus 5
Localization Information
PubMed ID: 24460325
Tissue/Cell Line: K562 cells
Method: Microarray
Condition: Species also named Human herpesvirus 5
Description: Cluster analysis arranged samples and miRNAs into groups based on their expression levels, which allowed us to hypothesize the relationships between miRNAs and samples. Interestingly, 49 miRNAs were up regulated in exosomes as compared to K562 cells (Table 1), with both P-value of <= 0.05 and more than 1.5-fold changes. Data are collected from Table 1. Differentially Expressed miRNAs Between Exosomes and K562 Cells.
RNA Interaction Information
Resource RNA Symbol Species Link RNALocate ID
RNAInter CDK6 Homo sapiens RR02128060