Basic Information
RNALocate ID: RLID:10000680
Localization: Exosome
Localization from RNA-seq Dataset:  
RNA Information
RNA ID: NCBI:64151|Ensembl:ENSG00000109805
RNA Category: mRNA
Species: Homo sapiens
Localization Information
PubMed ID: 23663360
Tissue/Cell Line: Plasma
Method: Next-generation RNA sequencing
Description: To annotate the exosomal RNA species that were not identified as miRNA transcripts, we first removed all the known miRNA sequences from the libraries and then mapped the remaining sequences to the human genome that had RNA annotations. Figure 5A shows the percentage of other small non-coding RNAs, tRNA, rRNA, small nuclear (snRNA), small nucleolar (snoRNA) and piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) that were detected. The rRNA was the most common among them, accounting for 9.16% of all mappable counts, followed by piRNA (1.31%), tRNA (1.24%), snRNA (0.18%), and snoRNA (0.01%). Clearly, the exosomes contained relatively low levels of rRNA, which is in contrast to a typical eukaryotic cell where rRNA makes up at least 80% of the total RNA molecules. Interestingly, we also detected low levels of long RNA in the small RNA libraries. We detected 3.36% of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA), 1.36% of coding sequences (CDS), 0.54% of 3'untranslated region (UTR) and 0.21% of 5'UTR sequences [see Additional file 3]. Data are collected from Additional file 3: Top 20 RNAs in other RNA species (normalized to read number per million all mappable RNA seqeuences).
Other Subcellular Localization
RNALocate ID Localization Tissue/Cell line PubMed ID
RLID:00016720 Nucleus Colon cancer cells 24393600
RLID-D:00005167 Chromatin K562 cells
RLID-D:00011965 Cytosol HCC cell line (HepG2)
RLID-D:00014834 Insoluble cytoplasm HCC cell line (HepG2)
RLID-D:00017482 Membrane HCC cell line (HepG2)
RLID-D:00022477 Nucleolus K562 cells
RLID-D:00029531 Nucleoplasm K562 cells
RLID-D:00038015 Nucleus HeLa-S3 cells|K562 cells
RLID-D:10012733 Exosome Blood
RNA Interaction Information
Resource RNA Symbol Species Link RNALocate ID
RNAInter hsa-miR-21-5p Homo sapiens RR00983076