Basic Information
RNALocate ID: RLID:02000735
RNA Symbol: RPPH1
Localization: Cytoplasm
RNA Information
RNA ID: NCBI:85495|Ensembl:ENSG00000277209
RNA Category: lncRNA
Species: Homo sapiens
Alias: H1RNA|RPPH1-1
Localization Information
PubMed ID: 25690653
Tissue/Cell Line: P493-6 cells
Method: qRT-PCR
Description: To validate the isolation of nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions, the enrichment of 3 nuclear (ANRIL, MIAT, XIST) and 3 cytoplasmic (RPPH1, DANCR, tRNA-Lys) RNAs was analyzed by qRT-PCR.
Other Subcellular Localization
RNALocate ID Localization Tissue/Cell line PubMed ID
RLID:02000734 Cytoplasm cHL cell lines (L1236|L428|L540) 27423697
RLID:02000736 Ribosome-free cytosol Colon cancer cells 24393600
RLID:12000076 Exosome Breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231|MDA-MB-436) 24255815
RLID-D:02000671 Cytosol HCC cell line (HepG2)
RLID-D:02000856 Membrane HCC cell line (HepG2)|K562 cells
RLID-D:12006314 Exosome Blood
ncRNA Disease Information
Resource RNA Symbol Disease Link
MNDR RPPH1 Stomach cancer MNDR-E-CIRC-3037
MNDR RPPH1 Seizures MNDR-E-LNC-27476
MNDR RPPH1 Breast cancer MNDR-E-LNC-27477
MNDR RPPH1 Esophageal cancer MNDR-E-LNC-27478
MNDR RPPH1 Osteoarthritis MNDR-E-LNC-27479
MNDR RPPH1 Acute myeloid leukemia MNDR-E-LNC-27480
MNDR RPPH1 Colorectal cancer MNDR-E-LNC-27481
RNA Interaction Information
Resource RNA Symbol Species Link RNALocate ID
RNAInter hsa-miR-326 Homo sapiens RR04303455