Basic Information
RNALocate ID: RLID:00014999
Localization: ER-bound polysome
Localization from RNA-seq Dataset:  
RNA Information
RNA Name: PKC-β
RNA ID: NCBI:5579|Ensembl:ENSG00000166501
RNA Category: mRNA
Species: Homo sapiens
Alias: PKC-beta|PKCB|PKCI(2)|PKCbeta|PRKCB1|PRKCB2
Localization Information
PubMed ID: 12923260
Tissue/Cell Line: Human T lymphocytes (Jurkat E6-1)
Method: Microarray
Description: Enrichment of mRNAs in free and ER-bound polysomes. Stratagene 1.2K human cDNA microarrays were screened with probes developed against either the total RNA pool or the ER-membrane-enriched RNA pool of Jurkat cells. Representative gene products enriched in the ER polysome fraction, free polysome fraction, or distributed between both pools are provided. For the latter, candidate gene products were selected on the basis of their noncanonical distribution on the ER-membrane-bound polysomes. The data are collected from Table 2.
Other Subcellular Localization
RNALocate ID Localization Tissue/Cell line PubMed ID
RLID:00014997 Cytosol Human myelogenous leukemia cell line (K-562) 21613539
RLID:00014998 Cytosolic polysome Human T lymphocytes (Jurkat E6-1) 12923260
RLID-D:00004434 Chromatin K562 cells
RLID-D:00011352 Cytosol K562 cells
RLID-D:00014694 Insoluble cytoplasm K562 cells
RLID-D:00017175 Membrane K562 cells
RLID-D:00021921 Nucleolus K562 cells
RLID-D:00028776 Nucleoplasm K562 cells
RLID-D:00037127 Nucleus K562 cells
RLID-D:10011107 Exosome Blood
RNA Interaction Information
Resource RNA Symbol Species Link RNALocate ID
RNAInter hsa-miR-184 Homo sapiens RR01137813