Basic Information
RNALocate ID: RLID:00014551
RNA Symbol: SMU1
Localization: Nucleus
Localization from RNA-seq Dataset:  
RNA Information
RNA Name: NM_018225.2
RNA ID: NCBI:55234|Ensembl:ENSG00000122692
RNA Category: mRNA
Species: Homo sapiens
Alias: BWD|SMU-1|fSAP57
Localization Information
PubMed ID: 20498841
Tissue/Cell Line: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
Method: Next-generation RNA sequencing
Description: The N/C values of diverse sRNAs. sRNAs with raw read counts (non-normalized) more than 10 in at least one library were listed. N/C indicates the ratio of nuclear sRNA library count to cytoplasmic sRNA library count of each unique sequence. Nuclear and cytoplasmic indicate the read counts in the nuclear and cytoplasmic sRNA libraries, respectively. Read count of each sRNA were normalized to reads per million (RPM). Data are collected from Table S1.
Other Subcellular Localization
RNALocate ID Localization Tissue/Cell line PubMed ID
RLID:00014550 Cytoplasm Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells 20498841
RLID:00014552 Ribosome HEK-293 cells 22199352
RLID:00014553 Ribosome Colon cancer cells 24393600
RLID-D:00036859 Nucleus HeLa-S3 cells|K562 cells
RLID-D:10010717 Exosome Blood