• Detail
  • Binding
  • Network
Vhid: HVID00012211
Virus: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus(SARS-CoV)
Host Species: Mus musculus
ncRNA Source: Host
ncRNA Category: LncRNA
ncRNA Symbol: chr18:60792135-60831035
Tissue: mouse-adapted strain MA15 that is lethal in BALB/c mice and that causes 10 to 15% weight loss in young C56BL/6 mice
Expression Direction of ncRNA: Upregulation
Interactor in Virus or Host: -
Interactor Category: -
Interactor Symbol: -
Expression Direction of Interactor: -
Validated Method: Sequencing and read mapping, Quantitative real-time PCR, Sequencing and read mapping, ncRNA annotations and the estimation of expression levels.
PMID: 20978541
Detailed Description: We found that 509 of these loci were differentially expressed during SARS-CoV MA15 infection (Fig. 3), 485 of which had more than 2.5-fold change in at least one of four mouse strains during infection, and 209 of which were all upregulated or all downreguted by at least 1.8-fold in three or more mouse strains (see Tables S2 and S3 in the supplemental material).
Select the center nodes: First Node Second Node Both the Nodes
Select the Level of Neighbour: First Neighbour Second Neighbour
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The 'First Node' or 'Second Node' option represents the sub-network of interacting ncRNA/Interactor with the first or second interaction node, the 'Both the Nodes' option represents the sub-network of interacting ncRNA/Interactor with both of interaction nodes.
The 'First Neighbour' represents the sub-network of direct interacting with the center node, the 'Second Neighbour' represents the sub-network of direct or second step interacting with the center node. Interaction sub-network based on the two nodes of this interaction may help the researchers represents all interacting partners immediately.

The Detail page: representing the detail information for virus-host related ncRNA interaction;
The Network page: representing the interaction sub-network of interacting ncRNA/Interactor.