
错误原因:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NTR(NC_003899.1)' OR actor2 LIKE '3\\'NTR(NC_003899.1)'' at line 1

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virbase_baseinfo WHERE binary actor1 LIKE '3\\'NTR(NC_003899.1)' OR actor2 LIKE '3\\'NTR(NC_003899.1)'


错误原因:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'NTR(NC_003899.1)' OR actor2 LIKE '3\\'NTR(NC_003899.1)' ORDER BY score DESC LIMI' at line 1

SELECT virbase,actor1,cate1,actor2,cate2,virus_spe,host_spe,strain_spe,inter_type,score,virbaseonly FROM virbase_baseinfo WHERE binary actor1 LIKE '3\\'NTR(NC_003899.1)' OR actor2 LIKE '3\\'NTR(NC_003899.1)' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0, 50


Your input: Keyword: 'Interactor Symbol', '3\'NTR(NC_003899.1)'.

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