Detail Information

Basic Information:

  VIRBase ID:  



Suid alphaherpesvirus 1 (Pseudorabies virus JS-2012 strain)


Sus scrofa

  Confidence Score:  


  Interaction Type:  

Virus-Host interaction

Interactor Information:

Interactor1 Interactor2
Symbol prv-miR-LLT11b-3p ENSSSCG00000012982
Accession/Entrez ID
MIMAT0037463 ENSSSCG00000012982
Organism Suid alphaherpesvirus 1 (Pseudorabies virus JS-2012 strain) Sus scrofa
Category miRNA mRNA
Alias - -

Interaction Network (The top 100 interactions):

Interactor1: prv-miR-LLT11b-3p
Interactor2: ENSSSCG00000012982

Evidence Support:

Weak-Evidence Small RNA sequencing
Prediction-Evidence miRanda//RNAHybrid
Support Database ViRBase


PMID 26998839 Target region 3'UTR
Source ViRBase Interactor1 expression None
Tissue or cell line PK15 cells Interactor2 expression None
Description A total of 36 miRNAs, including 11 known miRNAs and 25 novel miRNAs, were mapped to the PRV JS-2012 genome. We used RNAhybrid and miRanda software to scan the potential viral gene targets for these miRNAs. We scanned the 3'UTRs of PRV-encoded genes, including the LLT and found that each gene can be targeted by one or more miRNAs.

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