Detail Information

Basic Information:

  VIRBase ID:  



Human gammaherpesvirus 4 (Epstein-Barr virus, EPV)


Homo sapiens

  Confidence Score:  


  Interaction Type:  

Virus-Host interaction

  Predicted Binding:


      ebv-miR-BART10-3p:           PER2:      

      *It may take a few minutes to display results.

Interactor Information:

Interactor1 Interactor2
Symbol ebv-miR-BART10-3p PER2
Accession/Entrez ID
MIMAT0003420 8864
Organism Human gammaherpesvirus 4 (Epstein-Barr virus, EPV) Homo sapiens
Category miRNA mRNA

RNA Editing:

Resource Symbol Editing Position Change Genetic Region
chr2:239155503(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239155430(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239184198(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239155470(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239155454(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239175603(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239182275(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239155476(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239174683(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239182579(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239155442(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239174817(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239174677(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:239174574(-) A-I      intronic
Resource Symbol Editing Position Change SeqReg exReg PMID
chr2:239174450(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr2:239182579(-) A-G intron -    22484847

RNA Modification:

Resource Symbol ModificationPosition Type Genomic Context PMID
chr2:239154126-239154127(-) m6A 3'UTR       -
chr2:239154135-239154136(-) m6A 3'UTR       -
chr2:239154166-239154167(-) m6A 3'UTR       -
chr2:239154192-239154193(-) m6A 3'UTR       -
chr2:239154849-239154850(-) m6A 3'UTR       24981863//27773535
chr2:239154880-239154881(-) m6A 3'UTR       24981863//27773535
chr2:239154921-239154922(-) m6A 3'UTR       24981863//27773535
chr2:239155073-239155074(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239155090-239155091(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239155145-239155146(-) m6A CDS       27773535
chr2:239160340-239160341(-) m6A CDS       27371828
chr2:239160376-239160377(-) m6A CDS       25456834//27371828
chr2:239160385-239160386(-) m6A CDS       25456834//27371828
chr2:239160393-239160394(-) m6A CDS       25456834//27371828
chr2:239161577-239161578(-) m6A CDS       24284625//25456834//27371828
chr2:239161594-239161595(-) m6A CDS       24284625//25456834//27371828
chr2:239161601-239161602(-) m6A CDS       24284625//25456834//27371828
chr2:239161620-239161621(-) m6A CDS       24284625//25456834//24981863//27371828
chr2:239161638-239161639(-) m6A CDS       24284625//25456834//24981863//27371828
chr2:239161792-239161793(-) m6A CDS       24284625//25456834//27773535//27371828
chr2:239161806-239161807(-) m6A CDS       24284625//25456834//27773535//27371828
chr2:239161907-239161908(-) m6A CDS       25456834//24981863//27773535//27371828
chr2:239161914-239161915(-) m6A CDS       25456834//24981863//27773535//27371828
chr2:239162012-239162013(-) m6A CDS       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//27773535//27371828
chr2:239162073-239162074(-) m6A CDS       24284625//24981863//27773535//27371828
chr2:239162159-239162160(-) m6A CDS       24284625//27371828
chr2:239162246-239162247(-) m6A CDS       27773535//27371828
chr2:239162254-239162255(-) m6A CDS       27773535//27371828
chr2:239162282-239162283(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239162292-239162293(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239162332-239162333(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239164367-239164368(-) m6A CDS       27773535
chr2:239164512-239164513(-) m6A CDS       27773535//27371828
chr2:239165585-239165586(-) m6A CDS       27371828
chr2:239165702-239165703(-) m6A CDS       27371828
chr2:239170906-239170907(-) m6A CDS//exon       27773535
chr2:239184457-239184458(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239184491-239184492(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239184501-239184502(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239184514-239184515(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239185797-239185798(-) m6A CDS       24284625//24981863//27773535
chr2:239186422-239186423(-) m6A CDS       24981863//27773535
chr2:239186440-239186441(-) m6A CDS       27773535
chr2:239186450-239186451(-) m6A CDS       27773535
chr2:239186457-239186458(-) m6A CDS       27773535
chr2:239197026-239197027(-) m6A 5'UTR//intron       -
chr2:239197032-239197033(-) m6A 5'UTR//intron       -
chr2:239197057-239197058(-) m6A 5'UTR//intron       -

RNA Localization:

Resource Symbol Subcellular Localization Tissue or Cell Line PMID
RNALocate PER2
Cytoplasm Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells     20498841
Cytosol HCC cell line (HepG2)     -
Exosome Blood     -
Nucleolus K562 cells     -
Nucleoplasm K562 cells     -
Nucleus Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells     20498841
Nucleus HCC cell line (HepG2)     -

Interaction Network (The top 100 interactions):

Interactor1: ebv-miR-BART10-3p
Interactor2: PER2

Evidence Support:

Prediction-Evidence miRanda//PITA//Targetscan
Support Database ViRBase//VIRmiRNA//VmiReg


PMID 22473208 Target region 3'UTR
Source ViRBase//VIRmiRNA//VmiReg Interactor1 expression None
Tissue or cell line Jijoye cells Interactor2 expression None
Description Our HITS-CLIP data yield 1185 human 3'UTRs targeted by members of the miR-17~92 cluster in Jijoye cells. Comparison to the 1664 3'UTRs targeted by EBV miRNAs reveals 740 shared genes (44% of EBV targets and 62% of miR-17~92 targets; Figure 6B and Supplementary Table 7). Thus, EBV miRNAs co-target a majority of miR-17~92 regulated mRNAs, which are assigned to a variety of pathways, most notably regulating transcription, apoptosis, and the cell cycle (Figure 6C). Similarly, other abundant immunologically relevant miRNAs, 142-3p and miR-155, co-target with EBV miRNAs a large fraction of their Ago-bound 3'UTRs, representing ~60% of the targets for each of these host miRNAs (Supplementary Figure 5).

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