Detail Information

Basic Information:

  VIRBase ID:  



Human gammaherpesvirus 4 (Epstein-Barr virus, EPV)


Homo sapiens

  Confidence Score:  


  Interaction Type:  

Virus-Host interaction

  Predicted Binding:


      ebv-miR-BART1-5p:           LY75:      

      *It may take a few minutes to display results.

Interactor Information:

Interactor1 Interactor2
Symbol ebv-miR-BART1-5p LY75
Accession/Entrez ID
MIMAT0000999 4065
Organism Human gammaherpesvirus 4 (Epstein-Barr virus, EPV) Homo sapiens
Category miRNA mRNA
Alias - CD205//CLEC13B//DEC-205//GP200-MR6//LY-75

RNA Editing:

Resource Symbol Editing Position Change Genetic Region
chr2:160660988(-) A-I      3'UTR
chr2:160660860(-) A-I      3'UTR

RNA Modification:

Resource Symbol ModificationPosition Type Genomic Context PMID
RMBase LY75
chr2:160734936-160734937(-) m6A CDS//exon       27773535
chr2:160735171-160735172(-) m6A CDS//exon       27773535
chr2:160735210-160735211(-) m6A CDS//exon       27773535
chr2:160735220-160735221(-) m6A CDS//exon       27773535
chr2:160735811-160735812(-) m6A CDS//exon       27773535
chr2:160735844-160735845(-) m6A CDS//exon       27773535
chr2:160755280-160755281(-) m6A CDS//exon       -
chr2:160758941-160758942(-) m6A exon//intron       27371828
chr2:160758952-160758953(-) m6A exon//intron       27371828
chr2:160758981-160758982(-) m6A exon//intron       27371828
chr2:160759151-160759152(-) m6A exon//intron       28052920//27773535
chr2:160759164-160759165(-) m6A exon//intron       28052920//27773535
chr2:160759205-160759206(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//24981863//28052920//27773535//27371828
chr2:160759211-160759212(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//24981863//28052920//27773535//27371828
chr2:160759219-160759220(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//24981863//28052920//27773535//27371828
chr2:160759231-160759232(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//24981863//28052920//27773535//27371828
chr2:160759250-160759251(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//24981863//28052920//27773535//27371828
chr2:160759262-160759263(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//24981863//28052920//27773535//27371828
chr2:160759279-160759280(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//24981863//28052920//27773535//27371828
chr2:160759325-160759326(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//27773535
chr2:160759340-160759341(-) m6A exon//intron       25456834//27773535
chr2:160759430-160759431(-) m6A exon//intron       -
chr2:160759548-160759549(-) m6A exon//intron       -
chr2:160759585-160759586(-) m6A exon//intron       -
chr2:160759956-160759957(-) m6A exon//intron       -
chr2:160760008-160760009(-) m6A exon//intron       -
chr2:160760020-160760021(-) m6A exon//intron       -
chr2:160760089-160760090(-) m6A exon//intron       -
chr2:160761186-160761187(-) m6A CDS//exon       27371828

RNA Localization:

Resource Symbol Subcellular Localization Tissue or Cell Line PMID
RNALocate LY75
Cytoplasm Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells     20498841
Exosome Blood     -
Nucleus Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells     20498841

Related Drug Information:

Resource Symbol Drug Name PubChem ID
RNAactDrug ebv-miR-BART1-5p

Interaction Network (The top 100 interactions):

Interactor1: ebv-miR-BART1-5p
Interactor2: LY75

Evidence Support:

Strong-Evidence Dual luciferase reporter assay//Luciferase reporter assay
Weak-Evidence PAR-CLIP
Prediction-Evidence cRep//miRanda//PARalyzer//PITA//RNAHybrid//Targetscan
Support Database RepTar//ViRBase//VIRmiRNA//VmiReg


[1]PMID 23170179 Target region 3'UTR
Source RepTar//ViRBase Interactor1 expression Downregulation
Tissue or cell line EF3D-AGO2 cells//LCL35 cells//LCL-BAC cells//LCL-BAC-D1 cells//LCL-BAC-D3 cells Interactor2 expression None
Description For each of them, direct interactions between 3'UTR and EBV miRNAs were confirmed by luciferase assay but no functional assay has been performed so far (Table 2).Table 2 Validated targets from high-throughput studies. Shown are cellular targets identified by photoactivatable ribonucleoside enhanced crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (PAR-CLIP), High-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by crosslinking immunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP) or RNA immunoprecipitation and microarray (RIP-Chip) techniques. Validation of these targets was done using luciferase reporter assays.
[2]PMID 23342366 Target region 3'UTR
Source RepTar//ViRBase Interactor1 expression None
Tissue or cell line EF3D-AGO2 cells//LCL35 cells//LCL-BAC cells//LCL-BAC-D1 cells//LCL-BAC-D3 cells Interactor2 expression None
Description On the other hand, EBV miRNAs repress cellular proteins, which include p53 up-regulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA), DICER1, and BIM [96,97,98] (Table 2).
[3]PMID 22291592 Target region 3'UTR//CDS
Source RepTar//ViRBase//VIRmiRNA//VmiReg Interactor1 expression Downregulation
Tissue or cell line EF3D-AGO2 cells//LCL35 cells//LCL-BAC cells//LCL-BAC-D1 cells//LCL-BAC-D3 cells Interactor2 expression None
Description We identified 7,827 miRNA-interaction sites in 3,492 cellular 3'UTRs. 531 of these sites contained seed matches to viral miRNAs.Table S6: High confidence miRNA-interaction sites in 3'UTRs.We identified an additional 2,972 CDS miRNA-interaction sites present in at least two libraries, 89.7% of which could be assigned to a miRNA (Table S7).

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