Detail Information

Basic Information:

  VIRBase ID:  



Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1)


Rattus norvegicus

  Confidence Score:  


  Interaction Type:  

Host-Virus interaction

  Predicted Binding:


      Predicted binding sites in PRIdictor:   tat:      
Binding sites in PDB
PDB 3MI9//3MIA//4OR5

Interactor Information:

Interactor1 Interactor2
Symbol rno-miR-25-3p tat
Accession/Entrez ID
MIMAT0000795 155871
Organism Rattus norvegicus Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1)
Category miRNA protein
Alias - HIV1gp5

RNA Localization:

Resource Symbol Subcellular Localization Tissue or Cell Line PMID
RNALocate rno-miR-25-3p
Axon Sympathetic neurons     20584895
Cytoplasm L6 myoblasts     19628621
Nucleus Cortical cells|Hippocampal neurons     24324399

Interaction Network (The top 100 interactions):

Interactor1: rno-miR-25-3p
Interactor2: tat

Evidence Support:

Strong-Evidence IHC//qRT-PCR//Western blot
Weak-Evidence Microarray
Support Database ViRBase


[1]PMID 18381601 Target region None
Source ViRBase Interactor1 expression Upregulation
Tissue or cell line 293T cells Interactor2 expression None
Description These are designated 128a, 128b, 100, 99a, 30b, 30c, let-7c, let-7f, let-7b, let-7e, 125a, 125b, 191, 181a, and 9. A group of six microRNAs (374, 128a, 128b, 100, 25, and 99a) was upregulated in Tat-treated samples (mean fold change from 4. 4 to 1. 5; P-value <0. 01). The presence of Tat in neurons also determined a downregulation of seven microRNAs: let-7e, 298, let-7f, let-7c, let-7b, 320, and 214. The expression pattern of a third group of microRNAs (125a, 92, 30c, 99b, 125b, 181a, 191, and 9) was not changed by Tat-treatment.
[2]PMID 21786074 Target region None
Source ViRBase Interactor1 expression Upregulation
Tissue or cell line 293T cells Interactor2 expression None
Description Eletto and colleagues reported that a group of six miRNAs (374, 128a, 128b, 100, 25, and 99a) were upregulated and seven miRNAs (let-7e, 298, let-7f, let-7c, let-7b, 320, and 214) were downregulated by Tat in rat primary cortical neurons. Among these, miR-128a has been found to be enriched in the brain, preferentially in the mature neurons.

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