Detail Information

Basic Information:

  VIRBase ID:  



SARS-CoV-2 (NCCP43326)


Homo sapiens

  Confidence Score:  


  Interaction Type:  

Host-Host interaction

  Predicted Binding:


      hsa-miR-1255b-5p:           TMPRSS2:      

      *It may take a few minutes to display results.

Interactor Information:

Interactor1 Interactor2
Symbol hsa-miR-1255b-5p TMPRSS2
Accession/Entrez ID
MIMAT0005945 7113
Organism Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Category miRNA mRNA
Alias - PRSS10

ncRNA SNP information:

Resource Symbol SNP ID SNP Position Ref/Alt
miRNASNP-v3 hsa-miR-1255b-5p
rs1159375777 chr4:36426410    C/T
rs1214571859 chr4:36426418    G/A
rs1239891775 chr4:36426417    T/G
rs6841938 chr4:36426426    G/A
rs934445568 chr4:36426407    C/T
rs1163338680 chr1:167998678    A/T
rs755372990 chr1:167998677    GA/G
rs931584044 chr1:167998685    T/A
rs963713310 chr1:167998665    C/T
rs1053333800 chr4:36426425    C/T
rs139535532 chr4:36426424    C/A
rs189709980 chr1:167998666    G/A
rs189709980 chr1:167998666    G/C
rs975287373 chr1:167998672    G/A

RNA Editing:

Resource Symbol Editing Position Change Genetic Region
chr21:42853862(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853848(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853888(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853850(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853879(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857482(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857493(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857494(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857532(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42861840(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42863176(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42863181(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42864020(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857454(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852821(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852811(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42868840(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42864037(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852802(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852784(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852783(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852698(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42868853(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853773(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853747(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852838(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42868879(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853786(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853787(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853866(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853876(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853901(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853902(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853905(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42853936(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857436(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852837(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852694(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857467(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857468(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42857476(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42859902(-) A-I      ncRNA
chr21:42859884(-) A-I      ncRNA
chr21:42859893(-) A-I      ncRNA
chr21:42868835(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42859992(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42855936(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42868944(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42868836(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852668(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42859993(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42869010(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42863353(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42868900(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42868945(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42852703(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42860827(-) A-I      intronic
chr21:42859858(-) A-I      ncRNA
chr21:42859831(-) A-I      ncRNA
chr21:42859844(-) A-I      ncRNA
chr21:42858403(-) A-I      ncRNA
Resource Symbol Editing Position Change SeqReg exReg PMID
chr21:42858403(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42858406(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42859670(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42859831(-) A-I intron -    15342557   //15258596
chr21:42859844(-) A-I intron -    15342557   //15258596
chr21:42859858(-) A-I intron -    15342557   //15258596
chr21:42859884(-) A-I intron -    15342557   //15258596
chr21:42859893(-) A-I intron -    15342557   //15258596
chr21:42859902(-) A-I intron -    15342557   //15258596
chr21:42868835(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42868836(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42868864(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42868900(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42868905(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42868944(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42868945(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42868950(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42869010(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42869014(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42869073(-) A-I intron -    15342557
chr21:42853823(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42853826(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42853866(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42855839(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42855936(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42855984(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42857419(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42857454(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42857468(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr21:42857493(-) A-I intron -    21960545

RNA Modification:

Resource Symbol ModificationPosition Type Genomic Context PMID
chr21:42836773-42836774(-) m6A 3'UTR       25456834

RNA Localization:

Resource Symbol Subcellular Localization Tissue or Cell Line PMID
RNALocate hsa-miR-1255b-5p
Exosome Breast milk|Cell lines|Epididymal epithelial cells|Osteoblast|Plasma|Primary glioblastoma neurosphere cells|Primary keratinocyte|Saliva|Serum|Urine     -
Microvesicle Cell lines(GBM46|GBM8|HaCaT|K562|MCF-10A|MCF-7|MGG75)|Plasma|Primary glioblastoma neurosphere cells|Primary keratinocytes     -
Mitochondrion Cell line (HEK-293|HeLa)     22984580
Exosome Blood     -
Nucleus HCC cell line (HepG2)     -
Ribosome Colon cancer cells     24393600

Interaction Network (The top 100 interactions):

Interactor1: hsa-miR-1255b-5p
Interactor2: TMPRSS2

Evidence Support:

Prediction-Evidence miRDB//Targetscan
Support Database ViRBase


PMID 33199671 Target region None
Source ViRBase Interactor1 expression None
Tissue or cell line None Interactor2 expression None
Description Among the predicted miRNAs, seven candidates were selected; hsa-miR-221-3p and hsa-miR-95-5p targeting ADAM17; hsa-miR-588, hsa-miR-587, and hsa-miR-582-5p targeting ACE2; and hsa-miR-140-3p and hsa-miR-1255b targeting TMPRSS2.

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