Detail Information

Basic Information:

  VIRBase ID:  



Human gammaherpesvirus 4 (Epstein-Barr virus, EPV)


Homo sapiens

  Confidence Score:  


  Interaction Type:  

Host-Host interaction

  Predicted Binding:


      hsa-miR-519d-3p:           GRPEL2:      

      *It may take a few minutes to display results.

Interactor Information:

Interactor1 Interactor2
Symbol hsa-miR-519d-3p GRPEL2
Accession/Entrez ID
MIMAT0002853 134266
Organism Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Category miRNA mRNA
Alias - Mt-GrpE#2

ncRNA SNP information:

Resource Symbol SNP ID SNP Position Ref/Alt
miRNASNP-v3 hsa-miR-519d-3p
rs1031566931 chr19:53713420    T/A
rs116796400 chr19:53713416    A/G
rs1177367352 chr19:53713409    T/A
rs1362826944 chr19:53713419    G/T
rs1443130720 chr19:53713413    T/A
rs748935087 chr19:53713417    G/T
rs754470034 chr19:53713415    T/TACCAA
rs754470034 chr19:53713415    T/TA
rs754629979 chr19:53713421    G/T
rs755601254 chr19:53713414    T/A
rs752048127 chr19:53713406    G/T
rs764695340 chr19:53713405    T/G

RNA Editing:

Resource Symbol Editing Position Change Genetic Region
chr5:148728733(+) A-I      intronic
chr5:148726430(+) A-I      intronic
chr5:148728719(+) A-I      intronic

RNA Modification:

Resource Symbol ModificationPosition Type Genomic Context PMID
chr5:148725100-148725101(+) m6A 5'UTR       24284625//24981863
chr5:148725214-148725215(+) m6A exon//intron       24284625//24981863
chr5:148725347-148725348(+) m6A exon//intron       -
chr5:148727871-148727872(+) m6A CDS//exon       -
chr5:148727884-148727885(+) m6A CDS//exon       -
chr5:148727899-148727900(+) m6A CDS//exon       -
chr5:148727960-148727961(+) m6A CDS//exon       27773535
chr5:148729250-148729251(+) m6A CDS//exon//intron       24284625//24209618//24981863//27773535//22608085
chr5:148729264-148729265(+) m6A CDS//exon//intron       24284625//24209618//24981863//27773535//22608085
chr5:148729412-148729413(+) m6A 3'UTR//intron       24284625//24981863//22608085
chr5:148730501-148730502(+) m6A CDS//exon       24284625//25456834//24981863//22608085
chr5:148730533-148730534(+) m6A CDS//exon       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//22575960//22608085
chr5:148730570-148730571(+) m6A CDS//exon       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//27773535//22575960//22608085
chr5:148730661-148730662(+) m6A 3'UTR//CDS//exon       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//27773535//22575960//22608085
chr5:148730703-148730704(+) m6A 3'UTR//CDS//exon       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//27773535//22575960//22608085
chr5:148730763-148730764(+) m6A 3'UTR//CDS//exon       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//22575960//22608085
chr5:148730778-148730779(+) m6A 3'UTR//CDS//exon       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//22575960//22608085
chr5:148730838-148730839(+) m6A 3'UTR//CDS//exon       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//22575960//22608085
chr5:148730859-148730860(+) m6A 3'UTR//exon       24284625//24209618//25456834//24981863//22575960//22608085
chr5:148730909-148730910(+) m6A 3'UTR//exon       24284625//25456834//24981863//22575960//22608085
chr5:148733905-148733906(+) m6A 3'UTR//exon       27773535
chr5:148734025-148734026(+) m6A 3'UTR//exon       24981863//27773535
chr5:148734052-148734053(+) m6A 3'UTR//exon       24981863//27773535
chr5:148734081-148734082(+) m6A 3'UTR//exon       27773535
chr5:148734111-148734112(+) m6A 3'UTR//exon       27773535
chr5:148734125-148734126(+) m6A 3'UTR//exon       27773535

RNA Localization:

Resource Symbol Subcellular Localization Tissue or Cell Line PMID
RNALocate hsa-miR-519d-3p
Exosome Serum     18589210
Exosome Human mast cell line (HMC-1)     24009880
Exosome Breast milk|Cell lines|Epididymal epithelial cells|Osteoblast|Plasma|Primary glioblastoma neurosphere cells|Primary keratinocyte|Saliva|Serum|Urine     -
Microvesicle Fibroblasts     -
Cytosol Human myelogenous leukemia cell line (K-562)     21613539
Exosome Blood     -
Nucleoplasm K562 cells     -

Interaction Network (The top 100 interactions):

Interactor1: hsa-miR-519d-3p
Interactor2: GRPEL2

Evidence Support:

Weak-Evidence HITS-CLIP
Support Database ViRBase


PMID 22473208 Target region None
Source ViRBase Interactor1 expression None
Tissue or cell line Jijoye cells Interactor2 expression None
Description Our HITS-CLIP data yield 1185 human 3'UTRs targeted by members of the miR-17~92 cluster in Jijoye cells. Comparison to the 1664 3'UTRs targeted by EBV miRNAs reveals 740 shared genes (44% of EBV targets and 62% of miR-17~92 targets; Figure 6B and Supplementary Table 7). Thus, EBV miRNAs co-target a majority of miR-17~92 regulated mRNAs, which are assigned to a variety of pathways, most notably regulating transcription, apoptosis, and the cell cycle (Figure 6C). Similarly, other abundant immunologically relevant miRNAs, 142-3p and miR-155, co-target with EBV miRNAs a large fraction of their Ago-bound 3'UTRs, representing ~60% of the targets for each of these host miRNAs (Supplementary Figure 5).

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