Detail Information

Basic Information:

  VIRBase ID:  



Hantaan orthohantavirus (Hantaan virus 76-118)


Homo sapiens

  Confidence Score:  


  Interaction Type:  

Host-Host interaction

  Predicted Binding:


      hsa-miR-330-5p:           STAT1:      

      *It may take a few minutes to display results.

Interactor Information:

Interactor1 Interactor2
Symbol hsa-miR-330-5p STAT1
Accession/Entrez ID
MIMAT0004693 6772
Organism Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Category miRNA mRNA
Alias - CANDF7//IMD31A//IMD31B//IMD31C//ISGF-3//STAT91

ncRNA SNP information:

Resource Symbol SNP ID SNP Position Ref/Alt
miRNASNP-v3 hsa-miR-330-5p
rs1349824380 chr19:45639070    A/G
rs1359949384 chr19:45639062    G/A
rs760888385 chr19:45639051    C/G
rs761051145 chr19:45639055    GAC/G
rs1450351295 chr19:45639066    A/T
rs562108564 chr19:45639069    G/T
rs768769902 chr19:45639068    A/G

RNA Editing:

Resource Symbol Editing Position Change Genetic Region
chr2:191857962(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191857972(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191857971(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191857965(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191858040(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191858035(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191858030(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191858014(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191858007(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191857990(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191857979(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191858012(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876684(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876676(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191859560(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876709(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876773(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876704(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876242(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191857558(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191836430(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876922(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876966(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191877060(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191876947(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191877079(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191877055(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191877134(-) A-I      intronic
chr2:191877059(-) A-I      intronic
Resource Symbol Editing Position Change SeqReg exReg PMID
chr2:191858027(-) A-I intron -    22327324
chr2:191858032(-) A-I intron -    22327324
chr2:191858041(-) A-I intron -    22327324
chr2:191858235(-) A-I intron -    22327324
chr2:191876242(-) A-I intron -    22327324
chr2:191876947(-) A-I intron -    22327324
chr2:191857252(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr2:191857334(-) A-I intron -    21960545
chr2:191836426(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191836428(-) G-A intron -    22484847
chr2:191836430(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191836434(-) G-A intron -    22484847
chr2:191836438(-) G-A intron -    22484847
chr2:191836442(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191853286(-) G-T intron -    22484847
chr2:191863398(-) G-T intron -    22484847
chr2:191863399(-) T-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191863407(-) G-T intron -    22484847
chr2:191863408(-) T-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191876242(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191876253(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191876277(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191876917(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191876922(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191876947(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191876966(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191877055(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191877059(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191877060(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191877079(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191877134(-) A-G intron -    22484847
chr2:191876283(-) A-G intron -    22484847

RNA Modification:

Resource Symbol ModificationPosition Type Genomic Context PMID
chr2:191833967-191833968(-) Y 3'UTR//intron       26075521
chr2:191834403-191834404(-) m6A 3'UTR//intron       26404942
chr2:191835032-191835033(-) m6A 3'UTR//intron       22575960
chr2:191835175-191835176(-) m6A 3'UTR//intron       22575960
chr2:191841603-191841604(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       26404942
chr2:191850374-191850375(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       22575960
chr2:191851628-191851629(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       22575960
chr2:191856027-191856028(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       26404942
chr2:191859822-191859823(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       26404942//27773535
chr2:191859840-191859841(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       26404942//27773535
chr2:191859860-191859861(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       26404942//27773535
chr2:191859878-191859879(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       26404942//27773535
chr2:191862584-191862585(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       24981863//26404942//27773535
chr2:191862640-191862641(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       24981863//28052920//26404942//27773535
chr2:191862661-191862662(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       24981863//28052920//26404942//27773535//22575960
chr2:191862691-191862692(-) m6A 3'UTR//CDS       24981863//28052920//26404942//27773535//22575960
chr2:191862990-191862991(-) m6A CDS//intron       24981863//28052920//27773535//22575960
chr2:191862996-191862997(-) m6A CDS//intron       24981863//28052920//27773535//22575960
chr2:191863025-191863026(-) m6A CDS//intron       24981863//28052920//27773535//22575960
chr2:191864356-191864357(-) m6A CDS       24981863//28052920//27773535//22575960
chr2:191864366-191864367(-) m6A CDS       24981863//28052920//27773535//22575960
chr2:191865809-191865810(-) m6A CDS       24981863//28052920//26404942//27773535//22575960
chr2:191865851-191865852(-) m6A CDS       24981863//26404942//27773535//22575960
chr2:191878510-191878511(-) m6A 5'UTR//intron       27371828
chr2:191878788-191878789(-) Y 5'UTR//intron       25219674
chr2:191878824-191878825(-) m6A 5'UTR//intron       25456834//24981863//27371828//27773536
chr2:191878831-191878832(-) m6A 5'UTR//intron       25456834//24981863//27371828//27773536

RNA Localization:

Resource Symbol Subcellular Localization Tissue or Cell Line PMID
RNALocate hsa-miR-330-5p
Exosome HCC tissues     30542726
Exosome Plasma     23663360
Exosome Breast milk|Cell lines|Epididymal epithelial cells|Osteoblast|Plasma|Primary glioblastoma neurosphere cells|Primary keratinocyte|Saliva|Serum|Urine     -
Microvesicle Blood|Colon cancer cell line (LIM1863)|Fibroblasts|Mesenchymal stem cells     -
Cytosol Human myelogenous leukemia cell line (K-562)     21613539
Cytosol HCC cell line (HepG2)     -
Exosome Blood     -
Insoluble cytoplasm HCC cell line (HepG2)     -
Nucleoplasm K562 cells     -
Nucleus Colon cancer cells     24393600
Nucleus HCC cell line (HepG2)|HeLa-S3 cells     -
Ribosome HEK-293 cells     22199352

Related Drug Information:

Resource Symbol Drug Name PubChem
Function Link  
RNAInter hsa-miR-330-5p
D-Glucose 5793 Drug interaction    RC00007082
Mistletoe lectin-I - Drug interaction    RC00007083
Resource Symbol Drug Name PubChem ID PMID
NoncoRNA hsa-miR-330-5p

Interaction Network (The top 100 interactions):

Interactor1: hsa-miR-330-5p
Interactor2: STAT1

Evidence Support:

Weak-Evidence RNA-Seq
Prediction-Evidence miRDB//miRTarBase//miRWalk//Targetscan
Support Database ViRBase


PMID 32232013 Target region None
Source ViRBase Interactor1 expression None
Tissue or cell line HUVEC cells Interactor2 expression Upregulation
Description Then we predicted 320 target genes of these 16 DE miRNAs and constructed a miRNA-mRNA interaction network (Figure 5B, Table S5).

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