Detail Information

Basic Information:

  VIRBase ID:  



Duck Tembusu virus


Anas platyrhynchos

  Confidence Score:  


  Interaction Type:  

Host-Host interaction

Interactor Information:

Interactor1 Interactor2
Symbol apl-miR-221-3p SOCS5
Accession/Entrez ID
apl-miR-221-3p 101798051
Organism Anas platyrhynchos Anas platyrhynchos
Category miRNA mRNA
Alias - Anapl_08358

Interaction Network (The top 100 interactions):

Interactor1: apl-miR-221-3p
Interactor2: SOCS5

Evidence Support:

Strong-Evidence Luciferase reporter assay//qRT-PCR//Western blot
Prediction-Evidence miRanda//RNAHybrid
Support Database ViRBase


PMID 32373087 Target region 3'UTR
Source ViRBase Interactor1 expression Upregulation
Tissue or cell line DEF cells Interactor2 expression None
Description Besides, we further proved that SOCS5 is a target of miR-221-3p and that miR-221-3p could negatively modulate SOCS5 expression at both mRNA and protein levels.

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