The Detail Information for This Interaction

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ncRNA Symmbol:miR-374a
ncRNA Category:miRNA
Interaction Gene Symbol: ATG10
Death Pathway:autophagy
Expression Direction of ncRNA:
Species:Homo sapiens
Tissue:squamous cell carcinoma cell
PMID: 22356768
Detail Description:

£¨We further found that specific miRNAs (miR-181a, miR-519a, miR-374a and miR-630), which are critical downstream targets of the p-¦¤Np63¦Á, modulated the protein levels of ATG5, ATG6/BECN1, ATG10, ATG12, ATG16L1 and UVRAG, adding another level of expression control for autophagic pathways in SCC cells upon cisplatin exposure. £©We identified APTs to directly interact with CD95 to promote de-palmitoylation, thus impairing apoptosis mediated through CD95. Specific inhibition of APTs by siRNAs, treatment with miRs-138/-424 and pharmacological approaches restore CD95-mediated apoptosis in CLL cells and other cancer cells, pointing to an important regulatory role of APTs in CD95 apoptosis. 

Select the ncRNA symbol and transcript of gene
Mature of miR-374a    Transcript of ATG10    
Select the center nodes: First Node Second Node Both the Nodes
Select the Level of Neighbour: First Neighbour Second Neighbour

The 'First Node' or 'Second Node' option represents the sub-network of interacting entry with the first or second interaction node, the 'Both the Nodes' option represents the sub-network of interacting entry with both of interaction nodes.
The 'First Neighbour' represents the sub-network of direct interacting with the center node, the 'Second Neighbour' represents the sub-network of direct or second step interacting with the center node. Interaction sub-network based on the two nodes of this interaction may help the researchers represents all interacting partners immediately.

The Detail page: representing the detail information for RNA-RNA/RNA-Protein interaction;
The Binding page: representing the predicted binding sites and/or constants.
The Network page: representing the interaction sub-network of interacting RNA/Protein.