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Detail Information

Basic information:

Untranslated mRNA: Sponge mRNA

Related IDs cncRNA ID CNC_M_002002
Name Qtrt2
Gene ID 106248
Location Coordinate(Strand) 16:43861407-43926809(-)
Locus Sequence
Organism Mus musculus

Evidence support:

In vivo/vitro assay In vitro assay and in vivo assay (Mouse)
Low-throughput method qRT-PCR
High-throughput method RNA footprint;High-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by cross-linking immunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP)
Tissue/Cell Liver
Description of experimental evidence The mRNA was detected by HITS-CLIP and RNA footprint in mouse liver, which can communicate with other mRNAs by shared common microRNA regulatory elements.


Human ENSG00000151576  
Chimpanzee ENSPTRG00000015240  
Drosophila FBgn0036000  
Zebrafish ENSDARG00000016093  


PMID 23597149
Description We incorporated RNA-seq quantification of total mRNA to identify expression-weighted Ago footprints, and developed a microRNA regulatory element (MRE) prediction algorithm that represents a greater than 20-fold refinement over computational methods alone. These high confidence MREs were used to generate candidate 'competing endogenous RNA' (ceRNA) networks.The data were collected from supplemently tables.

Related Interactions:



   Notes: You can browse the related interactions in RNAinter by click the above link (since the interaction entries are too much to show here).