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Detail Information

Basic information:

Untranslated mRNA: Scaffold mRNA

Related IDs cncRNA ID CNC_M_003795
Name Spag9
Gene ID 70834
Location Coordinate(Strand) 11:93996091-94126085(+)
Locus Sequence
Organism Mus musculus

Evidence support:

In vivo/vitro assay In vitro assay
Low-throughput method /
High-throughput method RIP-seq
Tissue/Cell Embryonic stem cell (ES cell)
Description of experimental evidence The mRNA was detected by RIP-seq in ES cell, which can interact with EZH2 in PRC2 complex.


Human ENSG00000008294  
Chimpanzee ENSPTRG00000009414  
Drosophila FBgn0024187  
Zebrafish ENSDARG00000078142   ENSDARG00000074531  


PMID 21172659
Description Here we develop a RIP-seq method to capture the PRC2 transcriptome and identify a genome-wide pool of 9000 PRC2-interacting RNAs in embryonic stem cells. A large number of transcripts occur within imprinted regions, oncogene and tumor suppressor loci, and stem cell-related bivalent domains. We provide evidence for direct RNA-protein interactions, most likely via the Ezh2 subunit. We also identify Gtl2 RNA as a PRC2 cofactor that directs PRC2 to the reciprocally imprinted Dlk1 coding gene. The data were collected from Supplementary tables.

Related Subcelluar Localization:

Subcelluar Localization RLID Link to RNALocate
Nucleus RLID00020722 Link to RNALocate

Related Interactions:



   Notes: You can browse the related interactions in RNAinter by click the above link (since the interaction entries are too much to show here).